SEND Offer at Esher High School
Esher High School is a mainstream, inclusive school. We aim to meet the needs of all our learners regardless of their additional learning needs.
We aim to ensure that all students can experience success, reach their full potential, and access everything that school has to offer.
Our staff work hard to ensure that our approach to teaching and learning is of high quality and adapted to meet the individual needs of all our students with additional support provided for those who need it. We value and respect diversity in our school.
What type of support can my child access at Esher High School for any additional needs?
All students with special educational needs or disabilities can access:
Wave 1 ‘Ordinarily Available Provision’. This is referred to as ‘Universal’ provision and is the provision that is ordinarily available for all students. Most students’ needs will be met through this provision. This provision includes high quality teaching and learning for all.
Wave 2 ‘Targeted’ provision is an additional, time-limited provision, normally in the form of small-group interventions to accelerate progress and enable students to work at age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are put in place following careful analysis of progress data and/or teacher identification. This might be a temporary step until a student is back on track.
Wave 3 ‘Specialist’ or personalised provision for a minority of students who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan issued the local authority (Surrey County Council) where it is necessary to provide highly individual support to accelerate progress or enable students to achieve their potential. This may include higher levels of support and/or specialist interventions.
Special Educational Needs are generally grouped into the following four areas of need and support:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical needs
1. My child has difficulties with communication and interaction
This area can include:
- Understanding language
- Using language
- Working and auditory memory
- Understanding how to communicate socially with other people
- Conditions in this area of need may include Specific Language Impairments, Autism (sometimes abbreviated to ASD or ASC) Speech sound delay (for example Childhood Apraxia of Speech) or a Social Communication Disorder
Please note that speaking English as an additional language (EAL) is not considered a special educational need unless there are concerns with the child in their first language. Please see our Trust EAL policy for further information.
Universal support for all SEND students includes:
- Quality teaching with appropriate adaptation of tasks and engaging activities in class
- Knowledge organisers to support learning keywords/subject specific vocabulary
- Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
- Access to homework support clubs
- Access to in-school assessments to identify any speech, language and communication needs
Should this provision not meet all your child’s needs, we would look at using a graduated response and may move to more targeted support.
Targeted support for identified SEND students may also include:
- Social skills and social stories groups
- Key worker support
- Access to Elklan trained Learning Support Assistant for intervention sessions
- Access to ASD Outreach services (6 referrals per year)
Should this targeted support not meet your child’s needs, we would review and determine if an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (EHCNA) application is appropriate for your child to access more specialist support.
Specialist support for Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) SEND students may also include:
- Individual strategies outlined on Pupil Passports and Outcomes identified on EHCPs
- Learning Support Assistant provision in lessons
- Personalised sessions with specialist speech and language therapy service
- Advice from specialist teachers and other outside agencies
- Weekly check in with key worker
- Annual reviews with short term targets set to support progress
2. My child had difficulties with cognition and learning
This can include:
- Reading and spelling
- Learning new information and concepts
- Working with numbers
- Working memory
- Students may have conditions such as Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia) or general learning difficulties
Universal support for all SEND students includes:
- Quality First teaching with appropriate adaptation and engaging activities in class
- Knowledge organisers to support learning keywords/subject specific vocabulary
- Access to whole school homework clubs
- Access arrangements to be trialed for KS3 examinations
- Specialist assessor reports to assess for access arrangements at GCSE
- Exam skills groups for technique and topic revision
- Sparx Maths and Science programmes
Should this provision not meet all your child’s needs, we would look at using a graduated response and may move to more targeted support.
Targeted support for identified SEND students may also include:
- Access to ICT in lesson including laptops, computer reader, speech to text
- Numeracy and Literacy interventions
- Access to Specialist Teachers for Inclusive Practice (STIPS) for further guidance
- Guided option choices
- Literacy interventions (such as an IDL Literacy package or Literacy for All reading interventions)
- Paired or small group reading
- Functional Skills route to English and Maths qualifications
Should this targeted support not meet your child’s needs, we would review and determine if an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (EHCNA) application is appropriate for your child to access more specialist support.
Specialist support for Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) SEND students may also include:
- Individual strategies outlined on Pupil Passports and Outcomes identified on EHCPs
- In class support with Learning Support Assistants
- Advice from Educational Psychologists and specialist teachers
- Additional support for transition
- Alternative curriculum pathway
- Weekly check in with key worker
3. My child has difficulties with social, emotional and mental health
This includes young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, or distress that affect their education. It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions. Issues and conditions may include:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Eating disorders
- Emotional Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA)
Universal support for all SEND students includes:
- Excellent transition programme
- Robust PHSE curriculum
- Tutor programme – forum to discuss all aspects of teenage life both in and out of school.
- Whole school and year group assemblies with a range of guest speakers including The Grace Dear Trust
- Promoting the mindset “It’s ok NOT be to OK”
- Participation during Children's Mental Health Week, Mental Health Awareness & World Mental Health Day
- Pastoral and wellbeing support from Tutor/ Student Wellbeing Coordinator/Head of Year
- Extra- curricular programme
Should this provision not meet all your child’s needs, we would look at using a graduated response and may move to more targeted support.
- Self-esteem workshops – Be Me Project
- Youth minister mentors
- Mental Health awareness - Youth Ministers
- Emotion coaching/ELSA
- Mentoring
- Access to calm area
- Relational Support – East to West
- Therapeutic counselling – Valley Trust
- Team around the family approach
- Access to additional learning resources
- Additional support for transition
- Identification of a trusted adult
- Early Help referral
- MindWorks referral for mental health support (not currently taking referrals for Neurodiversity)
Should this targeted support not meet your child’s needs, we would review and determine if an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (EHCNA) application is appropriate for your child to access more specialist support.
Specialist support for Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) SEND students may also include:
- Individual strategies outlined on Pupil Passports and Outcomes identified on Education Health and Care plans
- In class support with Learning Support Assistants
- Advice from Educational Psychologists and Specialist Teachers
- Adapted curriculum
- Additional support for transition
- Weekly check in with key worker
4. My child has sensory and / or physical needs
This includes students who have difficulties with:
- Vision
- Hearing
- Gross motor co-ordination
- Fine motor co-ordination
- Self-organisation for daily living
- This may include conditions such as cerebral palsy, physical injury and other medical conditions.
Universal support for all SEND students includes:
- Excellent transition programme
- Reasonable adjustments made including seating arrangements, access to disabled toilets, ear defenders, use of ICT.
- Pastoral and wellbeing support from Tutor/Student Wellbeing coordinator/Head of Year
- Quality teaching with appropriate adaptation of tasks and engaging activities in class
- Access to whole school homework clubs
- Use of lifts/ramps
- Sensory support- fidget toys, ear defenders, uniform adjustments
Should this provision not meet all your child’s needs, we would look at using a graduated response and may move to more targeted support.
Targeted support for identified SEND students may also include:
- Physical and Sensory Specialist teacher support and advice
- Toilet cards
- Inclusion Support Base (ISB) retreat cards
- Reduced timetable
- Individual Health Care Plan
- Pupil passports
- Exam Access Arrangements
Should this targeted support not meet your child’s needs, we would review and determine if an Education, Health and Care needs assessment (EHCNA) application is appropriate for your child to access more specialist support.
Specialist support for Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) SEND students may also include:
- Individual strategies outlined on Pupil Passports and Outcomes identified on Education Health and Care plans
- Direct physiotherapy or occupational therapy input
- Re-rooming/timetable adjustments
- In class support with Learning Support Assistants
- Additional transition support
- Weekly check in with key worker
- Specific sensory interventions