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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust

Welcome from our Head Students

We are delighted to announce our new Head Students, Ellie Searle and Toby Parr for September.

Read on for their experiences at Esher High School.

Ellie writes:

My experience at Esher High School certainly started off as a strange one. When I joined in Year 7, life was heavily impacted by Covid-19 causing the whole of my first year to take place in only 1 or 2 classrooms. Yet, despite that obstacle, Esher High instantly felt like a great place to be. It gave me the opportunity to get to know my tutor group and tutor better, building strong relationships which have lasted ever since. More than anything, however, it made me feel like I could trust this school.

No matter what has been going on in life, there has been support and a sense of comfort provided by the school. There are opportunities for everyone; whether you want to dance, run, act, sing, cook, write, or even have a debate. These opportunities don’t just end at clubs - my first ever residential took place when I was in year 8 for a 4-day trip to Pembrokeshire. This trip definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, while also forming some great friendships - which are still strong today. In 2023, I had a performing arts trip to Italy, and it was my first time out of the UK. This brilliant experience allowed me to explore and perform in a new country, while spending time with old and new friends. And for my biggest adventure yet, I will soon be going to Zambia for 3 weeks with school. Not only will this be my first time on a plane, but it will also immerse me in a culture very different from my own through a range of voluntary work.  It is an understatement to simply say I am excited! All of this has, and will, only happen due to the opportunities this school offers.

It's not just trips and clubs which have helped me thrive at Esher. The incredible library has also played a big role. With such a variety of books at my fingertips, a quiet space to go, and an opportunity to take on the responsibility of library monitor, my love for reading has grown. I can say with confidence that this has contributed to my academic achievements.

Overall, Esher High School has helped me a lot - whether through the places I have gone, the people I have met or the achievements I have made. I have loved all my time here and I am so excited to represent such a brilliant school.

Toby's thoughts:

Hello, my name is Toby, and I will be Head Student at Esher High School in September.

Joining Esher High back in 2020 was a bizarre experience due to Covid.  We weren't able to have our induction day so missed the first opportunity of getting to know our new school. Although there were difficulties, Esher High School managed to adapt and overcame these issues by conducting our lessons on platforms such as teams.  This was my first experience with the teachers and the school and one of which I remember fondly as students and teachers had to transition together to innovative technology.

I've always been a confident person and after Covid limitations reduced, I was able to make friends across the school.  The school provides endless opportunities to build bonds for the students to connect with each other via trips or Be More days, for example. One way I've got to know people from all over the school is through the amazing performances the school puts on which all year groups are encouraged to participate in.  This has created friendships, that normally wouldn't happen, to thrive.

Throughout my time at Esher, the teachers have ensured my progress by pushing me and giving me challenges that take me outside my comfort zone. I have always felt supported whether it was in lesson or extra-curricular; my tutor and the school have my back.

As Head Student I would like to ensure the wellbeing of the students and staff alike, putting forward and acting on the feedback we get from tutor groups and improving the school based on the views of the students. I’m keen to encourage our students to thrive and achieve in every aspect.