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Esher Church of England High School

Esher Church of England High School

Esher Learning Trust

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  • 12/08/21

    Great GCSE Results for our Year 11 students

    Esher Church of England High School is delighted to report some outstanding results by its students in their GCSE and vocational qualifications this summer.  Students received their grades this morning and are justifiably pleased with their achievements.
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  • 13/07/21

    Esher High Sports Day

    Sports Day at Esher High brought the sun out last week!  After what has been a challenging year for everyone, we celebrated together in a fantastic sporting event brilliantly organised by our PE team, with entertainment from Performing Arts students.
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  • 13/07/21

    Esher High Word Millionaires

    Huge congratulations to our Esher High School Word Millionaires.   We are very proud of the achievement of all 15 of our Year 7 Word Millionaires.
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  • 09/07/21

    Year 10 Hospitality and Catering Students cook up a storm!!

    Staff at Esher High were treated to a scrumptious start to the school day by our Year 10 Hospitality and Catering students who prepared breakfast for the staff team. The students prepared everything from scratch, and served bacon rolls, eggs benedict and egg wraps. The food was delicious, desp...
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  • 01/07/21

    Esher High School's Fund Raising Success For Cancer Research

    Esher High School held their first ever Colour Run this week, with over 200 students taking part, from across the school.  Miss Young, did a wonderful job organising the event, with prizes for best fancy dress, most laps around the field and most money raised.  Year 7 students in Fa...
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  • 23/06/21

    Faraday Challenge Day

    A group of our Year 8 students spent the day completing the Faraday Challenge Day.  This year the theme partner is Network Rail.  Based on a real world challenge, the Virtual Faraday Challenge brings together STEM subjects (science, design and technology, engineering and maths) in an...
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  • 18/06/21

    Esher High School's meadow

    One of our Year 7 tutor groups, 7C1 wrote to Mr Boddington, Headteacher, earlier this year requesting an area of our grass be allowed to develop into a wildflower meadow.  An area at the front of school has been dedicated to this and the lawn mowers have been kept well away!   Le...
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  • 11/06/21

    Year 7 Transition 2022

    For useful links and information relating to Transition please click here
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  • 11/06/21

    Charity Fund Raising

    Staff at Esher High School organised a plant sale this week to raise funds for MIND the mental health charity.  "Digging for victory" raised in excess of £90.  Mrs Sweeney was delighted with her purchase which she successfully pedalled home on the back of her bicycle...
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  • 08/06/21

    Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award

    Our Year 11 Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award students finished their year on a high by completing their final expedition.  The group of 5 students walked and camped  around the South Downs for three days, starting and finishing at Devil’s Dyke. Day one was a very wet affai...
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  • 28/05/21

    Year 11 Leavers' Day

    Our Year 11 students are ready to take on the world at their Leavers' Day barbecue. We wish them well as they move on to the next stage in their careers.  We are immensely proud of how they have grown and matured - especially over the course of the past year.  We look forward to seeing...
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  • 28/05/21

    New Look D&T Corridor

    The D&T corridor has undergone a colourful transformation recently with displays of student work throughout the design process which feeds into everything we do. We look forward to welcoming the whole school through our corridor soon!
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